Thursday, December 15, 2005

Javascript btw...

Just an FYI, I was testing Javascript with the opening alert "Welcome to Tomba's WWIIOL Blog" or whatever it says. It was a fun, tiny, tiny script that I learnt, and I was eager to give it a go. If anyone finds it annoying, I'll take it out for you, or even change it so it says " *** Says this is annoying, do you?" :-)

Anyhow, thought I'd fill ya'll in, hehehe.




Comstar said...

Remove it please. I typlicaly open multiple tabs and your message comes up halfway through it.

In other news, what do you think of toto and hatch being laid off?

Tomba said...

Hehehe, I like meh message :-) It's had it's day though. Post coming on Hatch/Toto...